
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ejections: Chris Conroy (2)

HP Umpire Chris Conroy ejected Pirates catcher Chris Snyder for arguing a strike three call in top of the 6th inning of the Pirates-Brewers game. With two out and one on, Snyder took a 1-2 fastball from Brewers pitcher Marco Estrada . Replays indicate the ball caught the inner corner of the plate thigh high and there were no incorrect callable pitches during the at bat. The call was correct. At the time of the ejection, the Brewers led the contest, 8-5. The Brewers ultimately won the contest, 9-6.

This is Chris Conroy (98)'s second ejection of 2011.
Chris Conroy now has 10 points in the Umpire Ejection Fantasy League (5 Previous + 3 AAA + 2 Correct Call = 10).
Chris Conroy was not drafted in 2011.

This is the 39th ejection of 2011.
This is the 17th player ejection of 2011.
Prior to his ejection, Snyder was 1-3 in the contest.

Wrap: Pirates at Brewers 5/15/11
Video: SOON

Pitch f/x courtesy Brooks Baseball


  1. His zone was inconsistant all day. Im suprised it took till the 6th for someone to get tossed. GO BREWERS!

  2. Where is pitch 3 on that plot?

  3. @Anonymous

    Pitch 3 was a ball in the dirt. It was pretty short, way in the dirt because usually Brooks has balls in the grey below the white box when it is in the dirt, but this pitch was shorter than most in the dirt.

  4. OK, Kickers, I'll take the bait...

    The guys at the MLB level are consistently in the mid 90's and higher percetage wise on their pitch accuracy. Not bad for guys who are seeing (but not nescessarily calling) 250-300 pitches per game.

    Your bud Prince Fielder has a .280 career batting average, but he's been on two all star teams and weas the Brewers MVP in 2009. So, Prince gets a hit less than 3 out of 10 times, and he's an all star.

    Just a little perspective for you and your homer buddies. GO UMPIRES!

  5. The sports officials mantra... In football, a QB is good when his pass percentage gets above 65%, in basketball, a shooter above 60% is quite good, and in baseball, a hitter above .400 is legendary. In all sports, an umpire or referee with accuracy above 100% is said to be (by fans) terrible, but an umpire or referee rarely is below 90%.

  6. I am also an umpire. Dont talk to me like I am some stupid moron athlete. I'm just saying he probably just had a bad couple of games. I also believe that a lot of umpires are in the bigs because of who they know and not how good of umpire they actually are. aka hunter wendelstedt and paul runge. probably many more. When I went to umpire school it was a total joke of who made it to pbuc and who didnt. O yeah and it is way harder to hit a 95 mph fastball for a homer than it is to call a ball or strike.

  7. Anon...The obvious difference is umps don't have another rival they are playing against. If there was another player that was purposely trying to get them to fail every time, then they would get far less correct. As such, comparing their error percentage to batting average is ridiculous. In fact, even comparing their errors to fielding percentage would be incorrect, as the playing surface with bad hops, etc., plays a big role in that, and a judgement call should be more consistent than that, especially calling balls and strikes.

    Regardless, if Chris Conroy were a position player, this game would be one where he strike out 5 times and made 3 fielding errors. He was terrible. His strike zone was all over the place, and routinely called balls when the pitch was dead center practically at the belt.

  8. Go look at the strike zone map on Brooks Baseball and then post again. Routinely is an exaggeration. There are exactly three pitches called balls that registered in the top of the strike zone as strikes the entire game.

  9. @Anonymous #4... what do you expect from a fan?

  10. As the Umpire Ejection Fantasy League's purpose is to "objectively track and analyze umpire ejections and their corresponding calls" (key word objectively), let us objectively track and analyze this game's plot.

    Called Balls Accuracy (MIL): 57 Accurate / 60 Total = 95% Accuracy
    Called Strikes Accuracy (MIL): 21 Accurate / 26 Total = 81% Accuracy
    Called Balls Accuracy (PIT): 51 Accurate / 54 Total = 94% Accuracy
    Called Strikes Accuracy (PIT): 19 Accurate / 20 Total = 95% Accuracy
    Total Accuracy: 148 Accurate / 160 Total Callable = 93% Accuracy

    93% is roughly in the realm of League Average; it is slightly below a standard Major League plate job, but it is not significantly below that figure of around 94-95%.

    Click here for the Strike Zone Plot for this game.

  11. Why would he say go brewers if this call went in favor of his team... That said, Conroy had a terrible series on the bases, if not behind the plat.

  12. Mark makes several good points in an intelligent, non biased manner, and is certainly food for thought.

    I apologize if Kickers felt he was addressed as some "stupid moron athlete", but your original post came off as exactly that, except it was "stupid moron homer fan". You threw a grenade, I pulled the pin.

    I don't recall seeing or hearing of Conroy before this series, so I am be assuming this was his first MLB plate job. In that instance, he should be happy with a 93% accuracy. There are veteran guys not putting up plate jobs that good.

  13. I also apologize for making it sound like I hate umpires. I think you are right it probably was his first plate job in the bigs. I said go brewers because I am a brewer fan and was mostly just talking stupid. I love it when we get to play the pirates. If the brewers played them all 162 games we would win 8 out of 10 of them. I also think i was mad because that was the first game I saw for the brewers where they showed the K-zone for every pitch and it seemed like he missed way more than he did. all in all we need more ejections cuz they are very entertaining.

  14. @kickersrule, remember that the broadcast K-Zone isn't exactly accurate. In pitch f/x-dom, it's known as an "unnormalized zone," which means it fails to take into account the location of the batter's knees and torso - in other words, the vertical zone is the same for everyone and pitches that show up as too high/low or at the top/bottom of the zone may actually be the exact opposite of what the K-Zone indicates.

  15. Just a discussion point: Any reason why Holbrook and Bell switched crews for today's games?

  16. sounds to me like kickersrule is a pissed off wanna be pro umpire who wasn't good enough to make it through the schools and get to PBUC...MLB umpires have made it because of the way they work and the many years of hard effort they have had to put in to get a job!

  17. @Anonymous, we are here to rationally and objectively discuss umpire ejections, calls, and other issues. We are not here to name call.

  18. From another Umpire who went to pro school:

    Calling a perfect zone is not the goal.

    Calling a good zone CONSTANTLY is the true goal.

    Ask any coach, player or manager, if the umpire's zone is consistent the hitters and pitchers can and will adjust as needed. As long as the zone is not impossible to figure out and not ridiculous in shape players can and will adjust.

    Constancy is key!!!!

  19. Guys, we can shoot a 100 on Questec, ZE or the next computer program they invent, and we'll be burning down both dugouts when we do. I'd much rather shoot a 96-97 and have no ejections that shoot 100 and have 3 ejections because one catcher couldn't control a slider at the top of the knee, but brings his glove down to the dirt that I call for a strike.
