
Thursday, August 4, 2011

UEFL News: QOC Quick Vote

Since the Umpire Ejection Fantasy League moved from Livejournal to Blogger, we've rolled out several new features. Today the UEFL is excited to announce the League's newest feature, the QOC Quick Vote. The Quality of Correctness Quick Vote allows all UEFL'ers to conveniently provide "quick" feedback regarding ejection QOC without having to leave a comment anonymously. We've also included a video to introduce the feature.

QOC (Quality of Correctness) Quick Vote allows UEFL'ers to select one of three QOC options.
QOC Quick Vote can be found at the bottom of each post, just above the "Posted by" & "Comments" line. To effectively make use of the QOC Quick Vote, watch the video to the left, and follow along as we describe the QOC Quick Vote procedure. Try it now! Was Robinson safe, out, or was it too close to call?

PS: "Brownie Points" awarded to whoever catches the "incorrect call" (error) in the video!
PPS: "Brownie Points" are not actual UEFL League approved points.


  1. Correctness was spelled "Corectness" at least once during the video.

  2. KTurner14 wins the Brownie Points!

  3. Well done video, love the music!

  4. You couldn't have picked a better video example to explain the quick vote option.

    Yogi was in 17 world series, and has
    10 rings.

    Yogi is also the only catcher in MLB history to not make an error all season at catcher. (middle to late 1940's)

    And bob davidson is not a bad umpire.(must throw that in)

  5. Please consider changing the title of the box labeled "Too close to call". (EVERY play has to have a call made.) Maybe "Too close to tell"?

  6. Or "Inconclusive", I was thinking same...

    Also, the umpire Bill Summer who called Robinson safe is tied for 2nd with Eddie Montague for most World Series Crew Chief appearances

  7. How about instead of "inconclusive" or "too close to tell" you title it......

    "I'm not an umpire" or

    If you are an umpire and still can't get off the pot, how about.....

    "Partner, can you help me, what do you got?"

  8. I voted "inconclusive" because while he looks out in this shot, I recall seeing another angle on MLBtv (not the recreation that's available on Youtube) where it looks like he got his foot in before the tag.

    Given the quality of the footage available, and the angles, there really isn't enough evidence for me to say one way or the other. If the same play happened today, and we had six different shots and super slow-mo, that probably wouldn't be the case.

  9. Videos - awesome! Anonymous 10:29AM is right, the actual play or broadcast on conclusively shows "safe" while the YouTube one doesn't clearly show it either way. But public domain videos aren't always super precise huh? LOL

    Don't blame you either, I wouldn't even know where to begin trying to get the rights to use MLB copyrighted footage.
