
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ejections 120, 121: Mike Everitt (3, 4)

HP Umpire Mike Everitt ejected Red Sox 1B Adrian Gonzalez and Manager Bobby Valentine for arguing an illegal pitch (quick pitch) no-call in the top of the 8th inning of the Orioles-Red Sox game. With none out and none on, Gonzalez hit a 1-2 fastball from Orioles pitcher Pedro Strop to second baseman Omar Quintanilla, to first baseman Mark Reynolds for a ground out. Replays indicate Strop, working out of Set Position, did not come to a complete stop pursuant to OBR Rule 8.01(b)[b]; however, Rule 8.01(b) Comment specifies that with no base runners, the pitcher is not required to come to a complete stop following his stretch unless the pitcher's action is a quick pitch as prescribed by Rule 8.05 Comment;^ this pitch was not illegal, the call was correct.* At the time of the ejection, the Orioles were leading, 5-3. The Orioles ultimately won the contest, 5-3.

These are Mike Everitt (57)'s third and fourth ejections of 2012.
Mike Everitt now has 9 points in the UEFL (1 Previous + 2*[2 MLB + 2 Correct Call] = 9).
Crew Chief Tim Welke now has 3 points in the UEFL's Crew Division (1 Previous + 2*[1 Correct] = 3).
*After review, Quality of Correctness has been affirmed unanimously by the UEFL Appeals Board (6-0).
*The following action is illegal: "a pitcher delivers the ball in a deliberate effort to catch the batter off guard."
^"Umpires will judge a quick pitch as one delivered before the batter is reasonably set in the batter’s box."

UEFL Standings Update

These are the 120th and 121st ejections of 2012.
This is the 49th player ejection of 2012. Prior to his ejection, Gonzalez was 1-4 in the contest.
This is the 60th Manager ejection of 2012.
This is the Red Sox's 9th ejection of 2012, 1st in the AL East (BOS 9; NYY, TOR 4; TB 3; BAL 2).
This is Adrian Gonzalez's first ejection since May 1, 2010 (Rob Drake; QOC = Correct).
This is Bobby Valentine's first ejection since July 29 (Brian O'Nora; QOC = Correct).
This is Mike Everitt's first ejection since August 6 (Jim Tracy; QOC = Correct).

Wrap: Red Sox at Orioles, 8/15/12
Video: Amid rumors of manager-player dischord, Bobby V is ejected backing A-Gon over pitch (UEFL)
Video: Sox duo ejected arguing that a quick pitch should have been called (Boston Feed)


  1. Not really shocking at all to see some Red Sox get tossed, now is it?

  2. Challenge he was trying to catch te hitter off guard thats y he quick pitched

  3. Challenge he was trying to catch te hitter off guard thats y he quick pitched

  4. because he wasn't in the stretch, doesn't he have to come to a stop?

  5. This ruling has been challenged and is under review by the UEFL Appeals Board.

    @Anonymous 7:55 PM, refer to the above post regarding Rule 8.01(b) Comment.

  6. @Anon 7:55pm -- No! The comment to rule 8.01(b) says that you do NOT have to come to a complete stop before pitching *if* there are no runners on base. See the description of the play above. The comment also specifies that "If, however, in the umpire’s judgment, a pitcher delivers the ball in a deliberate effort to catch the batter off guard, this delivery shall be deemed a quick pitch, for which the penalty is a ball."

    So the only argument for this being a ball is if it is a quick pitch. If you watch the video, you can clearly see that gonzalez wasn't caught off guard, and made good contact. So I don't see how this can be considered an attempt to catch the batter off guard. Furthermore, the pitching action is actually quite slow. There was plenty of time for gonzalez to see that the pitcher is in his motion, and prepare to swing.

    Good call, I think. Ump got it right.

  7. Nothing wrong with this at all.

  8. Gonzalez said Mikey you stink and got tossed from the dugout. More rabbit ear umpiring let him talk, ignore it and move on.

  9. How is this play even challengeable? Some one that isnt even in the league is just saying challenge for fun.

  10. Did I hear that right? The Baltimore announcers actually got the rule right? Knowing MLB, when they put up the ejection video (IF they do, which I assume they would as Boston is part of "Boston-New York"), we'll probably get to hear Don Orsillo's misguided views on how Gonzalez should be awarded a home run for the quick pitch.


    MLB video

  12. I agree with kickersrule this shouldn't be challengeable

  13. LOL. Catcher's interference! I think this is the second time this week a broadcaster has mentioned catcher's interference when the argument concerned something completely different. I think the last one was Milwaukee (?) and Mike Winters calling a dead ball strike (batter got hit during a swing) on a two-strike count to end the inning.

  14. Anon 8:13

    You are close but they actually had no clue what was going on the hole video. I wonder if someone filled them in after the video ended?

    Any lip readers know what Valentine was saying?

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Wait there is more ian kinsler ejected by victor carapazza rangers yankees

  17. Why has may comment been removed by a blog administrator?????????

  18. OUCH! Greg Gibson took a spike to the head (mask was off) while in position to make a call at the plate in the Indians - Angels game. He has left the game.

  19. Greg gibson got hit by tori hunter coming home. I guess my comment from before was inappropriate idk? would like an explanation, didn't know. i paused what happened with gibson and saw that kinsler was ejected.

  20. Great call on Everitt's part. Sometimes the best thing you can do in baseball is do nothing and let what happens happen. Gonzalez was in the box, had the bat off his shoulder, and Stroup was in contact with the rubber, if he wasn't ready he should have called time.

  21. It was interesting to see Jim Joyce make R A Dickey take a couple bracelets off his glove hand during the Mets/Reds game tonight. The bracelets were made by his daughters, and he's worn them as good luck for every start this year, and this is the first time it's ever come up as an issue during a game. I'm just curious if there was a new directive from MLB, or if the Reds said something, or what the story is.

    I like Jim Joyce, he's one of the best. But this seemed to be a selective enforcing of the rules tonight. I've seen pitchers that wear a lot more than two string bracelets on their glove hand, and nothing is ever said.

  22. I agree that Everitt got this one right. To me, if the batter is set up in the box, looking at the pitcher, it's not a quick pitch. When I think of a quick pitch I think of a pitcher trying to deliver while the batter is still setting up in the box, or is clearly not yet looking at the pitcher. If there was a runner on then you have a different story, but with the bases empty this is a legal delivery.

  23. @Dan when I call, I make them take all that crap off every time. There's too much of that filtering down from the upper levels. HS Federation has a very strict rule against it, specifically prohibiting jewelry of any kind whereas OBR doesn't specifically, only if it's "distracting to the hitter." That type of language can drive selective enforcement though. Same thing with sun glasses, most umpires would tell you that according to OBR, a pitcher can't wear sunglasses, but you'll never find that word anywhere in the book.

  24. Thanks Gil, eh i guess i did go a little over board with he's down part. Though the real concern is Gibson. Hopefully Greg is ok good to see he walked off ok, Im no doctor probably couple of stitches. I gotta say these men in black and blue try really hard, you saw gibson got down low and focused on the play at home plate. I dunno who will replace Gibby, i know regulars are coming back from vacations hopefully before september. Speedy recovery Gibby. Get well soon

  25. No quick pitch here, I don't really know why Boston is complaining. Guess to distract from Bobby Valentine's impending firing? Maybe he'll come back to coach with a moustache and glasses (again)

  26. After review, the Original Ruling has been affirmed in a unanimous 6-0 decision by the UEFL Appeals Board. Six Appeals Board members voted to confirm Quality of Correctness.

    Per Curiam Opinion:
    The purpose of Rule 8.01(b) Comment is to exempt the pitcher from the Set Position cadence when a base runner cannot be deceived by violation of this rule and a balk is impossible for no runner is on base. Rule 8.01(b) Comment defers criteria for a Quick Pitch to Rule 8.05(e) Comment, which states, "Umpires will judge a quick pitch as one delivered before the batter is reasonably set in the batter’s box." Replays indicate the batter was reasonably set, was not put at risk and therefore, the Original Ruling of No-Call Correct is proper.

    Concurring Opinion, Jeremy:
    I confirm the call of a quick pitch no call as correct. With nobody on base, a lack of stop in the set position is perfect legal. Although the pitch may still be judged a quick pitch by the umpires, it is their judgment. It is based upon the fact that the batter be reasonably set in the box, which Gonzalez was. Furthermore, I point to 2011's Ejection 042: Rob Drake (1) and Ejection 051: Ed Hickox (1) where two quick pitches were adjudged to be correct and one confirmed on appeal. Unless there is clear evidence a quick pitch occurred and was not called, such as a batter clearly not even in the box, there is no reason to rule the umpire's judgment to be incorrect.

    Concurring Opinion, tmac, joined by RichMSN:
    This is legal. I confirm.

    Therefore, the Board affirms the Original Ruling.

    Confirmed: Jeremy, tmac, Albertaumpire, BillMueller, RichMSN, yawetag
    Upheld: None
    Overturned: None
    Deferred: None
    Abstained: Gil (Posted Original Ruling)

    Quality of Correctness has been affirmed unanimously, 6-0.
