
Wednesday, May 5, 2021

2021 No-Hitter 3, Tim Timmons (1, John Means)

HP Umpire Tim Timmons called Baltimore Orioles pitcher John Means' no-hitter against the Mariners in Seattle Wednesday afternoon, joined by 1B Umpire Carlos Torres, Crew Chief Alfonso Marquez at second base, and 3B Umpire Lance Barrett.

Timmons saw a total of 249 pitches in his first career no-hitter, of which 110 were callable.

In accordance with UEFL tradition, the following are umpire Timmons' three plate scores, including a 96.4% (106/110) performance under ML Private/Zone Evaluation Equivalent conditions, 92.7% (102/110) UEFL f/x score, and 87.3% (96/110) value for ML Public / the broadcast-facing zero error system.

The UEFL f/x look:
Balls: 70 called balls outside strike zone / 4 called balls within strike zone = 70/74 = 94.6% accuracy.
Strikes: 32 called strikes within strike zone / 4 called strike outside strike zone = 32/36 = 88.9% accuracy.
Total Raw Accuracy Score for Timmons = 102/110 = 92.7% accuracy (+2 BAL/skew favored Orioles).

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