HP Umpire Marty Foster ejected Royals DH Billy Butler for arguing a called third strike which occurred during a previous inning (unsportsmanlike-NEC) in the top of the 6th inning and Angels Manager Mike Scioscia for arguing a foul ball call in the bottom of the 9th inning of the Angels-Royals game. In the 5th, with two out and two on, Butler took a 1-2 cutter from Angels pitcher Jerome Williams for a called third strike. Replays indicate the pitch was located belt high and over the inner edge of home plate (px -0.686), the call was correct. In the
9th, with one out and two on, Royals batter Jeff Francoeur swung at a two-strike pitch from Angels pitcher Ernesto Frieri. Initially ruled a strikeout, the call was reversed after consultation with base umpires Scott Barry, Tim Welke and Mike Everitt. Replays are inconclusive as to whether Francoeur's bat contacted the baseball, the ruling has been deemed inconclusive and referred to the UEFL Appeals Board for further evaluation. The call is now correct.* At the time of the Butler ejection, the Royals were leading, 2-0. At the time of the Scioscia ejection, the Angels were leading, 5-2. The Angels ultimately won the contest, 5-2.
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Scioscia in disbelief with Foster, chief Welke. |
These are Marty Foster (60)'s fourth and fifth ejections of 2013.
Marty Foster now has 4 points in the UEFL (-2 Previous + 2*[2 MLB] + 0 Irrecusable + 2 Correct = 4).
Crew Chief Tim Welke now has 3 points in the Crew Division (1 Previous + 1 Irrecusable + 1 Correct = 3).
*After exhaustive review, the QOC ruling has reverted to reflect the call on the field as correct (UEFL 7-1-b)*
These are the 45th and 46th ejections of 2013.
This is the 21st player ejection of 2013. Prior to his ejection, Butler was 1-2 in the contest.
This is the 22nd Manager ejection of 2013.
This the Royals' 2nd ejection of 2013, T-1st in the AL Central (CLE, KC 2; MIN 1; CWS, DET 0).
This is the Angels' 1st ejection of 2013, 2nd in the AL West (OAK 4; LAA 1; HOU, SEA, TEX 0).
This is Billy Butler's first ejection since September 13, 2012 (Mike Estabrook; QOC = Y).This the Royals' 2nd ejection of 2013, T-1st in the AL Central (CLE, KC 2; MIN 1; CWS, DET 0).
This is the Angels' 1st ejection of 2013, 2nd in the AL West (OAK 4; LAA 1; HOU, SEA, TEX 0).
This is Mike Scioscia's first ejection since July 1, 2012 (James Hoye; QOC = Y).
This is Marty Foster's first ejection since yesterday, May 25 (Chris Getz; QOC = U).
Wrap: Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim vs. Kansas City Royals, 5/26/13
Video: Butler argues Foster's strike zone from the bench after the fact and is sent to the showers (KC)
Foster just threw out an irate Scioscia, arguing whether or not Francouer fouled off a pitch. Foster checked the baseball and apparently ruled that it was not, then grouped up with Barry, Welke and Everitt, and reversed the call. Really hard to tell on the replay.
Here's Scioscia's ejection
man when was the last time scioscia went that crazy
just going off of sound, it didn't sound like a ball making contact with a ball, it was more like it hit either the catcher's glove or shin guard, but it was real tough to tell,
i'm going with swing and a miss,
Butler's ejection.
FWIW, I thought the ball was not foul tipped and it was a swing and a miss.
I'm going to challenge the Scioscia ejection. I think that he swung and miss, but at best, it's inconclusive.
Scioscia likely still upset after Scott Barry's blown call at 1B in the 8th
Talk about something that is completely inconclusive.
Long ago I stopped using the term "rat" when it comes to players and coaches. But the Royals broadcasters? They're the definition of the word. Many broadcasters from a lot of the teams fit this descriptive term.
When it goes against them, they're all over Foster and the umpires (the earlier ejection where the pitch was clearly over the plate, albeit badly caught). When it goes *for* them, they can't resist piling on the umpires *again*.
When it's inconclusive, the umpires are right.
It;s not that it was a bad job catching it. The catcher was setting up well out side and th only way he could of caught it was the way he did in the video
Wouldn't the Butler ejection be considered irrecusable since it would be considered a post-inning ejection??
I actually think Foster got this one right [originally]. Curious to see what the Appeals Board has to say about both of these challenges today. It's about time we had some worthwhile challenges in this league.
I was about to mention this. This should be irrecusable. Nice catch. And to get the attention, CHALLENGE.
I recall this happening when Tigers played in WS and Leyland asked home plate ump to ask for help and home plate ump said it is call and he can't ask for help. This in regards to foul tip.
Either more replay is around the corner or we are gonne see more awful calls by umps, i.e marquez a very good ump and nelson and very good ump cc. They both were bad if i were to pick nelson just had his eyes closed? I would be surprised if we see a play like that why everyone becuase 1st base umps are more focusd on where the 1st basemen feet are on or of the bag, in this situation grimm caught the ball and not morland wowzer.
*Wouldn't be surprised*
An underrated mlb is cc gary darling, 1 ejection, jerry meals in and out thus far in the season 0 ejections, emmel, 0 ejections, Dreckman, also 0 ejections. good crew.
Good crew is Jeff Nelson, Ron Kulpa, Paul Emmel, Jim Wolf. No nonsense crew. good crew, pretty excited as far as arguments.
Bad crew, Angel Hernandez, Mary Foster, angel campos, Dj reybrun
This isn't a crew.
This is also not a crew.
What about Phil Cuzzi or CB Bucknor?? I would have either of them in front of Reyburn.
This is twice now Tim Welke has stepped in and called something he could not possibly have seen, resulting in a crewmate taking a cursing. On May 8, he completely botched the Izturis "foul" ball after HP Scott Barry correctly no-called it. Play happened right in front of Barry, and the less-than-agile Welke steps in from first and calls it foul b/c it hit Izturis' leg. Replays indicate that it didn't even come close to hitting him. Of course, Maddon rips off a piece of Barry and here comes Welke waddling in and saying nothing.
On this play, there is no evidence that would indicate Marty Foster got this no-call wrong. And once again Welke calls a conference that results in reversing HP from 90 feet. According to Scioscia, it was Welke who said he saw the ball get foul tipped. Even in slow motion the video does not corroborate what Welke claims to have seen from 90 feet away. Again, it's crewmate Foster that gets the bulk of the cussing.
If Welke really thinks he is seeing these things, he needs an eye exam. Or perhaps an Intoxilyzer 8000 test before every game. It is pathetic that Barry and Foster made correct calls, only to have them messed up because Welke saw something he couldn't possibly have seen.
Bring on the comments.
Marty has had a ROUGH year. He terribly missed two calls that frankly cost the Rays ball games. He missed a huge call at first last night.
Yea, he missed some calls. Yea, players and managers know he's missed them. But he will not let them eat him alive just because he missed them. The way Marty got right back into Scioscia's face MADE ME PROUD TO BE AN OFFICIALl. More and more this once proud avocation/profession has just acquiesced to the beloved coaches who hand in our evaluations. Kiss asses. If you want to win a popularity contest and make players and coaches feel good, pick up some freaking pom poms.
Marty has put a LIFETIME into baseball and he deserves a lot of leash. So if Mike wanted to get personal with him, then good for him for barking right back. Enough is enough. Umpires are not pinatas. Good for you, Marty. Give em hell man
Clearly you're a believer of the mistaken notion is that a good umpire has no ejections.
Gary Darling also does not have an ejection this season.
This is going to sound crazy to a lot of people because it has not been true in the past but Phil Cuzzi has had a very good season this year. He is hustling more than he ever has, his mechanics are excellent, he is calling balks which he never used to do and most of all he has nailed quite a few really tough calls on the bases. Now I am not saying he has become Gerry Davis good, but his work this year does not put in the lower echelon he usually would be in.
Yes he does, He ejected Ron Roenicke for arguing a check swing call from the dugout.
Problem is, Foster has had MULTIPLE rough years.
Was in agreement with you right up to the Intoxilyzer crack.
We can vehemently disagree with a call, or the way it was handled, or its' aftermath. But to even suggest a whiff that someone has a problem, is beyond the pale. Welke is a man of character and integrity that has put a lot of years into this game. Did you know in "A" ball (FSL) he stepped up and offered to partner with Pam Postema when other guys were afraid she was a career killer? And they were one of the top crew in the FSL that year, because Pam was not a "good umpire for a woman"...she was a good umpire, period. And so is Welke.
Let's stick to the calls....not some cheap personal attack on a guy that may have missed one. You are better than that, Curt.
This maybe a silly question, but for the upcoming inter league, two on two format, will they have the same umpire crews in both cities, or will they change it up?
If you think Curt was remotely serious, you're silly.
Bill, the Intox thing was an inartful reference to the quality of the vision, not the cause of it. I was not seriously suggesting that Welke was UUI. I'm sure he's an honest guy who honestly believes he saw these things.
I agree- although he did blow a check swing call at 1B in the Indians-Red Sox game. Napoli defiantly checked it, but Phil said he went around. Farrell barked, kind of like he did in the Angel Campos Oakland ejection, when Bob Davidson came in and thew him out. Watched the Orioles- Nationals game today, he had a pretty solid zone all day long.
Umpire schedules are not released to the public, so we won't know the answer to that question until Wednesday.
He's silly? I'm talking to myself!
That means I'm silly too!
Understood, Curt....but nowadays one off hand comment seems to lead to Deadspin or someone else with a headline "Intoxicated Umpires: The Truth Behind Missed Calls" or some other crap like that.
Curt, I found the comment amusing. And who knows, perhaps these guys SHOULD have their vision tested more often than we do (if they don't). Bad calls happen, but there are some that certainly should be challenged.
Shit happens. Some umpires are better than others. I consider Foster the middle of the pack (like Welke). Not terrible like Meals or AH, but not great either (like Jim Joyce or McLelland). Takes years of experience I would imagine...
Every sports official needs a tattoo....."To err is human." (Pope)
On egregious errors they should do what they did with Culbreth.
Every sports official needs a tattoo - "To err is human." (Pope)
That being said, I think they should start fining umpires for major gaffes (like this one) and suspending them like they did to "Cubby" for rules-based ignorance.
And I respect all umpires but am NOT a fan of Foster or Welke based on their performance. They might be great umpires, but they seem to make more mistakes (like AH) than others.
Foul ball (at most) but not a foul TIP. Lose all credibility if you don't know THAT difference
Yeah, maybe in THE ENQUIRER! No one actually takes that shit seriously. Neither should we.
Interesting, and this may have nothing to do with anything, but Marty Foster is not with his crew for the Cubs/White Sox series. Instead, Clint Fagan is filling in.
I am going to challenge this play as I am not convinced that the original call on the play isn't the correct one I mean how could it be a foul ball when the plate umpire two feet away didn't think so there is no way someone from further away could say they saw that ball fouled off
Someone else already challenged it and the Appeal Board upheld the call
Yeah, it's a shame that Welke's calls have thrown his partners under the bus. NOT what you'd expect from a professional umpire crew chief. I mean, at least get involved so that when your partner dumps the coach, you're already there to get the guy off the field!
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