HP Umpire Bill Welke ejected Reds C Brayan Pena for arguing a Replay Review decision that affirmed 3B Umpire Tony Randazzo's safe call in the top of the 5th inning of the Brewers-Reds game. With one out and one on, Brewers baserunner R2 Ryan Braun attempted to steal third off Reds catcher Pena, who threw to third baseman Todd Frazier as Braun slid into third base, ruled safe by Randazzo. Upon Replay Review as the result of a challenge by Reds Manager Bryan Price, Randazzo's ruling was affirmed, the call was irrecusable. At the time of the ejection, the Brewers were leading, 2-1. The Brewers ultimately won the contest, 7-3.
This is Bill Welke (52)'s second ejection of 2015.
Bill Welke now has 2 points in the UEFL Standings (0 Previous + 2 MLB + 0 Irrecusable-Crewmate = 2).
Crew Chief Bill Welke now has 1 point in Crew Division (0 Previous + 1 Irrecusable Call = 1).
This is the 115th ejection of the 2015 MLB Regular Season.
This is the 53rd player ejection of 2015. Prior to ejection, Pena was 1-2 in the contest.
This is the Reds' 5th ejection of 2015, 1st in the NL Central (CIN 5; CHC, MIL 3; PIT, STL 2).
This is Brayan Pena's first ejection since August 17, 2013 (Mike Muchlinski; QOC = U [DiMuro]).
This is Bill Welke's first ejection since April 27, 2015 (Jonny Gomes; QOC = U [Warnings]).
Wrap: Milwaukee Brewers vs. Cincinnati Reds, 7/4/15
Video: After review goes Brewers' way, Pena laments the non-caught stealing stat and is tossed (FOX)
Saturday, July 4, 2015
MLB Ejection 115: Bill Welke (2; Brayan Pena)
Bill Welke
Brayan Pena
Instant Replay
Friday, July 3, 2015
Clint Fagan Takes Deflected Pitch to Mask, Stays in Game
After taking a deflected pitch in the facemask, HP Umpire Clint Fagan remained in Wednesday's Cubs-Mets game. With none out and none on in the 6th inning, Mets batter Lucas Duda took a first-pitch cutter from Cubs pitcher Jonathan Lester for a ball. As catcher David Ross attempted to glove the 87 mph offering, the baseball deflected off the upper part of his mitt and hit Fagan right between the two horizontal orbital "eye bars" of his traditional-style mask, which appears to be the Wilson Titanium model worn by a handful of other umpires throughout the league.
After attention from Mets training staff and discussion with other umpires, Fagan remained in the game. This was the same Cubs-Mets game that inspired our most recent rundown-centric Case Play.
Video: Ross-deflected pitch strikes Fagan's cage; umpire remains in the game unfazed (NYM)
After attention from Mets training staff and discussion with other umpires, Fagan remained in the game. This was the same Cubs-Mets game that inspired our most recent rundown-centric Case Play.
Video: Ross-deflected pitch strikes Fagan's cage; umpire remains in the game unfazed (NYM)
Clint Fagan
Umpire Odds/Ends
Thursday, July 2, 2015
MLB Ejection 114: Bob Davidson (2; Yangervis Solarte)
HP Umpire Bob Davidson ejected Padres 3B Yangervis Solarte for arguing a strike three (check swing) call by 1B Umpire David Rackley in the top of the 6th inning of the Padres-Cardinals game. With two out and none on, Solarte attempted to check his swing on a 2-2 changeup from Cardinals pitcher Tim Cooney. Play was reviewed and adjudicated by the UEFL Appeals Board (5-0-0), the call was correct. At the time of the ejection, the game was tied, 3-3. The Padres ultimately won the contest, 5-3, in 11 innings.
This is Bob Davidson (61)'s second ejection of 2015.
Bob Davidson now has ? points in the UEFL Standings (2 Previous + 2 MLB + ? Call-Crewmate = ?).
Crew Chief Hunter Wendelstedt now has ? points in Crew Division (4 Previous + ? Call = ?).
This is the 114th ejection of the 2015 MLB Regular Season.
This is the 52nd player ejection of 2015. Prior to ejection, Solarte was 1-3 in the contest (SO).
This is the Padres' 12th ejection of 2015, 1st in the NL West (SD 12; LAD 6; COL 4; SF 3; ARI 1).
This is Yangervis Solarte's first career MLB ejection.
This is Bob Davidson's first ejection since May 13, 2015 (Don Mattingly; QOC = U [Replay Review]).
Wrap: San Diego Padres vs. St. Louis Cardinals, 7/2/15
Video: Davidson checks with base umpire Rackley, who affirms the appeal; Solarte slams helmet (SD)
This is Bob Davidson (61)'s second ejection of 2015.
Bob Davidson now has ? points in the UEFL Standings (2 Previous + 2 MLB + ? Call-Crewmate = ?).
Crew Chief Hunter Wendelstedt now has ? points in Crew Division (4 Previous + ? Call = ?).
This is the 114th ejection of the 2015 MLB Regular Season.
This is the 52nd player ejection of 2015. Prior to ejection, Solarte was 1-3 in the contest (SO).
This is the Padres' 12th ejection of 2015, 1st in the NL West (SD 12; LAD 6; COL 4; SF 3; ARI 1).
This is Yangervis Solarte's first career MLB ejection.
This is Bob Davidson's first ejection since May 13, 2015 (Don Mattingly; QOC = U [Replay Review]).
Wrap: San Diego Padres vs. St. Louis Cardinals, 7/2/15
Video: Davidson checks with base umpire Rackley, who affirms the appeal; Solarte slams helmet (SD)
Appeals Board
Bob Davidson
Check Swing
Yangervis Solarte
MLB Ejection 113: Gerry Davis (2; John Gibbons)
HP Umpire Gerry Davis ejected Blue Jays Manager John Gibbons for arguing a Replay Review decision that affirmed Davis' out call in the bottom of the 5th inning of the Red Sox-Blue Jays game. With one out and two on, Blue Jays batter Devon Travis hit a 0-1 changeup from Red Sox pitcher Wade Miley on the ground to center fielder Mookie Betts, who threw to catcher Ryan Hanigan as Blue Jays baserunner Danny Valencia attempted to score. Upon Replay Review as the result of a challenge by Blue Jays Manager Gibbons, Davis' ruling was affirmed, the call was irrecusable. At the time of the ejection, the Red Sox were leading, 8-4. The Red Sox ultimately won the contest, 12-6.
This is Gerry Davis (12)'s second ejection of 2015.
Gerry Davis now has 7 points in the UEFL Standings (5 Previous + 2 MLB + 0 Irrecusable = 7).
Crew Chief Gerry Davis now has 2 points in Crew Division (1 Previous + 1 Irrecusable Call = 2).
This is the 113th ejection of the 2015 MLB Regular Season.
This is the 53rd Manager ejection of 2015.
This is the Blue Jays' 5th ejection of 2015, 2nd in the AL East (BOS 7; TOR 5; BAL, NYY 4; TB 3).
This is John Gibbons' 3rd ejection of 2015, 1st since June 19 (CB Bucknor; QOC = U [Warnings]).
This is Gerry Davis' first ejection since April 23, 2015 (Brad Ausmus; QOC = Y [Balk]).
Wrap: Boston Red Sox vs. Toronto Blue Jays, 7/2/15
Video: Mookie's throw home retires Valencia on Hanigan's attempted tag, upheld on review (BOS)
Video: When both the on-field & replay umps rule against Toronto, Gibbons argues and is run (TOR)
This is Gerry Davis (12)'s second ejection of 2015.
Gerry Davis now has 7 points in the UEFL Standings (5 Previous + 2 MLB + 0 Irrecusable = 7).
Crew Chief Gerry Davis now has 2 points in Crew Division (1 Previous + 1 Irrecusable Call = 2).
This is the 113th ejection of the 2015 MLB Regular Season.
This is the 53rd Manager ejection of 2015.
This is the Blue Jays' 5th ejection of 2015, 2nd in the AL East (BOS 7; TOR 5; BAL, NYY 4; TB 3).
This is John Gibbons' 3rd ejection of 2015, 1st since June 19 (CB Bucknor; QOC = U [Warnings]).
This is Gerry Davis' first ejection since April 23, 2015 (Brad Ausmus; QOC = Y [Balk]).
Wrap: Boston Red Sox vs. Toronto Blue Jays, 7/2/15
Video: Mookie's throw home retires Valencia on Hanigan's attempted tag, upheld on review (BOS)
Video: When both the on-field & replay umps rule against Toronto, Gibbons argues and is run (TOR)
Gerry Davis
Instant Replay
John Gibbons
MLB Ejection 112: Sam Holbrook (7; Brad Ausmus)
HP Umpire Sam Holbrook ejected Tigers Manager Brad Ausmus for arguing a strike three call in the bottom of the 5th inning of the Pirates-Tigers game. With none out and none on, Tigers batter J.D. Martinez took a 3-2 slider from Pirates pitcher Francisco Liriano for a called third strike. Replays indicate the pitch was located over the outer edge of home plate and belt high (px .928, pz 2.880), the call was correct. At the time of the ejection, the Pirates were leading, 2-0. The Pirates ultimately won the contest, 8-4.
This is Sam Holbrook (34)'s seventh ejection of 2015.
Sam Holbrook now has 22 points in the UEFL Standings (18 Previous + 2 MLB + 2 Correct = 22).
Crew Chief Greg Gibson now has 6 points in Crew Division (5 Previous + 1 Correct Call = 6).
This is the 112th ejection of the 2015 MLB Regular Season.
This is the 52nd Manager ejection of 2015.
This is the Tigers' 3rd ejection of 2015, 4th in the AL Central (KC 9; CWS 5; CLE 4; DET 3; MIN 2).
This is Brad Ausmus' 3rd ejection of 2015, 1st since May 19 (Tripp Gibson; QOC = Y [Balls/Strikes]).
This is Sam Holbrook's first ejection since April 23, 2015 (Royals/White Sox; QOC = U [Fighting]).
Wrap: Pittsburgh Pirates vs. Detroit Tigers, 7/2/15
Video: After a corner strike, Ausmus waits for a single to get ejected arguing the lost baserunner (DET)
This is Sam Holbrook (34)'s seventh ejection of 2015.
Sam Holbrook now has 22 points in the UEFL Standings (18 Previous + 2 MLB + 2 Correct = 22).
Crew Chief Greg Gibson now has 6 points in Crew Division (5 Previous + 1 Correct Call = 6).
This is the 112th ejection of the 2015 MLB Regular Season.
This is the 52nd Manager ejection of 2015.
This is the Tigers' 3rd ejection of 2015, 4th in the AL Central (KC 9; CWS 5; CLE 4; DET 3; MIN 2).
This is Brad Ausmus' 3rd ejection of 2015, 1st since May 19 (Tripp Gibson; QOC = Y [Balls/Strikes]).
This is Sam Holbrook's first ejection since April 23, 2015 (Royals/White Sox; QOC = U [Fighting]).
Wrap: Pittsburgh Pirates vs. Detroit Tigers, 7/2/15
Video: After a corner strike, Ausmus waits for a single to get ejected arguing the lost baserunner (DET)
Brad Ausmus
Kulpa Rule
Sam Holbrook
Case Play 2015-06, Running Out of a Rundown
When the Cubs caught Mets baserunner R3 Ruben Tejada in a rundown between third and home on a botched suicide squeeze in the 8th inning of Wednesday's game, Chicago catcher Miguel Montero decided to run Tejada back to third base, noticing that trailing Mets baserunner R2 Daniel Murphy had run in behind Tejada and was standing on third base.
"This is like Final Jeopardy! on the umpire exam....Time to go digging for the ol' rule book."
Instead of giving himself up, Tejada ran through third base while F2 Montero tagged R2 Murphy, standing on third base, before subsequently applying the tag to R3 Tejada, who was still standing up the left field line, several feet behind (and not touching) third base. 3B Umpire Chris Guccione initially called both runners out before quickly reversing course and asking Murphy to remain on third base while the umpires convened. After consultation with umpires Clint Fagan, Cory Blaser, and acting crew chief Laz Diaz, Guccione ruled R3 Tejada out and R2 Murphy safe at third base.
Replays indicate that when F2 Montero tagged R2 Murphy, R3 Tejada was not in contact with third base (having already ran past it).
Video: Darrell Ceciliani can't get the bunt down, leading to Mets mayhem at third base (CHC)
Case Play Question, 2015-06: What is the proper call here? Rule 7.03(a) [OBR 2015 Rule 5.06(a)(2)] states that, "Two runners may not occupy a base, but if, while the ball is alive, two runners are touching a base, the following runner shall be out when tagged and the preceding runner is entitled to the base" (unless it is a force play), but what happens when said preceding runner attempts to retreat to his base and overruns it while the trail runner is in contact?
Hint: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
"This is like Final Jeopardy! on the umpire exam....Time to go digging for the ol' rule book."
![]() |
U3 Guccione halts play at third base. |
Replays indicate that when F2 Montero tagged R2 Murphy, R3 Tejada was not in contact with third base (having already ran past it).
Video: Darrell Ceciliani can't get the bunt down, leading to Mets mayhem at third base (CHC)
Case Play Question, 2015-06: What is the proper call here? Rule 7.03(a) [OBR 2015 Rule 5.06(a)(2)] states that, "Two runners may not occupy a base, but if, while the ball is alive, two runners are touching a base, the following runner shall be out when tagged and the preceding runner is entitled to the base" (unless it is a force play), but what happens when said preceding runner attempts to retreat to his base and overruns it while the trail runner is in contact?
Hint: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Case Plays
Chris Guccione
Rule 7.03
Umpire Odds/Ends
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Case Play 2015-05, Interference and the Base [Solved]
With runners colliding with fielders & questions of interference while on base, Case Play time is upon us once again. For this Case Play, we head to Toronto, with a comparative pit stop in Cleveland.
In Cleveland, batter Jose Ramirez hit a fly ball and, having become a probable runner, ran towards first base. The high fly descended near first base and as Ramirez stepped on first base, he made contact with Orioles first baseman Chris Davis, who was attempting to field the pop-up and, after running into Ramirez, was unable to do so. 1B Umpire Ben May subsequently ruled Ramirez out for interference. (Video: Ramirez runs into Davis, and after some jockeying for position, the ball falls to the ground untouched and May calls Davis out)
Up in Canada, the Blue Jays were attempting to complete a come back against the Houston Astros in the bottom of the 9th inning. With Jose Reyes serving as baserunner R2 on second base, Jays batter Jose Bautista hit a fly ball as Reyes retreated to second. With Reyes standing on second base, Astros shortstop Jonathan Villar and Reyes made contact, Villar unable to field the pop-up which fell to the ground untouched. 2B Umpire John Hirshbeck subsequently called Reyes safe, ruling no interference had taken place. (Video: 9th inning pop fly wreaks havoc for Astros as Villar runs into Reyes, allowing the ball to hit the turf for a single)
Case Play Question 2015-05: Compare and contrast these two plays of infielders contacting runners. What happened here?
A) May (CLE) and Hirschbeck (TOR) were both correct;
B) May (CLE) was correct, but Hirschbeck (TOR) was incorrect.
C) May (CLE) was incorrect, but Hirschbeck (TOR) was correct;
D) May (CLE) and Hirschbeck (TOR) were both incorrect.
What rule(s) or interpretation(s) support your determination?
Case Play Answer 2015-05: A) May (CLE) and Hirschbeck (TOR) were both correct. The reason both umpires are correct—May's play was interference and Hirschbeck's was not—has to do with the offensive players' actions in touching first and second base, respectively.
In Cleveland, U1 May ruled B1 out for interference because, in May's judgment, B1 (BR) had not yet achieved first base when the hindrance occurred; B1 was not in legal occupation of the base and may have even intentionally interfered.
In Toronto, U2 Hirschbeck ruled R2 Reyes safe because, in Hirschbeck's judgment, R2 was standing on second base and making no movement to indicate any intent to interfere with F6.
Rule 7.09(j) (2015 OBR Rule 6.01(a)(10)) specifies that the batter or runner is out for interference if "he fails to avoid a fielder who is attempting to field a batted ball." Rule 7.08(b) Comment (2015 OBR 6.01(a) Penalty for Interference Comment) further specifies that "If, however, the runner has contact with a legally occupied base when he hinders the fielder, he shall not be called out unless, in the umpire’s judgment, such hindrance, whether it occurs on fair or foul territory, is intentional."
This is why BAL-CLE B1 was declared out (violation of 7.09(j)/6.01(a)(10), did not meet criteria of 7.08(b)/6.01(a)) while HOU-TOR R2 was declared safe (met the key criterion under 7.08(b)/6.01(a) Comment).
![]() |
A tale of two cities Left: In Cleveland, U1 May rules B1 out for interference. Right: In Toronto, U2 Hirschbeck rules R2 safe, no violation. |
Up in Canada, the Blue Jays were attempting to complete a come back against the Houston Astros in the bottom of the 9th inning. With Jose Reyes serving as baserunner R2 on second base, Jays batter Jose Bautista hit a fly ball as Reyes retreated to second. With Reyes standing on second base, Astros shortstop Jonathan Villar and Reyes made contact, Villar unable to field the pop-up which fell to the ground untouched. 2B Umpire John Hirshbeck subsequently called Reyes safe, ruling no interference had taken place. (Video: 9th inning pop fly wreaks havoc for Astros as Villar runs into Reyes, allowing the ball to hit the turf for a single)
Case Play Question 2015-05: Compare and contrast these two plays of infielders contacting runners. What happened here?
A) May (CLE) and Hirschbeck (TOR) were both correct;
B) May (CLE) was correct, but Hirschbeck (TOR) was incorrect.
C) May (CLE) was incorrect, but Hirschbeck (TOR) was correct;
D) May (CLE) and Hirschbeck (TOR) were both incorrect.
What rule(s) or interpretation(s) support your determination?
Case Play Answer 2015-05: A) May (CLE) and Hirschbeck (TOR) were both correct. The reason both umpires are correct—May's play was interference and Hirschbeck's was not—has to do with the offensive players' actions in touching first and second base, respectively.
In Cleveland, U1 May ruled B1 out for interference because, in May's judgment, B1 (BR) had not yet achieved first base when the hindrance occurred; B1 was not in legal occupation of the base and may have even intentionally interfered.
In Toronto, U2 Hirschbeck ruled R2 Reyes safe because, in Hirschbeck's judgment, R2 was standing on second base and making no movement to indicate any intent to interfere with F6.
Rule 7.09(j) (2015 OBR Rule 6.01(a)(10)) specifies that the batter or runner is out for interference if "he fails to avoid a fielder who is attempting to field a batted ball." Rule 7.08(b) Comment (2015 OBR 6.01(a) Penalty for Interference Comment) further specifies that "If, however, the runner has contact with a legally occupied base when he hinders the fielder, he shall not be called out unless, in the umpire’s judgment, such hindrance, whether it occurs on fair or foul territory, is intentional."
This is why BAL-CLE B1 was declared out (violation of 7.09(j)/6.01(a)(10), did not meet criteria of 7.08(b)/6.01(a)) while HOU-TOR R2 was declared safe (met the key criterion under 7.08(b)/6.01(a) Comment).
Ben May
Case Plays
John Hirschbeck
Rule 7.08
Rule 7.09
Umpire Odds/Ends
Tom Hallion Squarely Struck by Foul, Leaves A's Game
Umpire Tom Hallion took a foul square in the facemask and left Wednesday's Rockies-Athletics game. With two out and none on in the top of the first, Rockies batter Nolan Arenado fouled a first-pitch fastball from A's pitcher Jesse Hahn straight into Hallion's traditional-style Wilson mask. The foul ball, which eluded catcher Stephen Vogt's glove, appeared to strike Hallion in the right temple portion of his facemask.
After being attended to by A's training staff, Hallion exited the game pursuant to MLB umpiring concussion protocol and was replaced by 1B Umpire Alfonso Marquez, who completed the contest alongside 2B Umpire Dan Bellino and 3B Umpire Ryan Blakney.
Video: Fastball fouled back into the upper part of Hallion's mask; Hallion removed from the game (OAK)
After being attended to by A's training staff, Hallion exited the game pursuant to MLB umpiring concussion protocol and was replaced by 1B Umpire Alfonso Marquez, who completed the contest alongside 2B Umpire Dan Bellino and 3B Umpire Ryan Blakney.
Video: Fastball fouled back into the upper part of Hallion's mask; Hallion removed from the game (OAK)
Tom Hallion
Umpire Odds/Ends
Monday, June 29, 2015
Review of Bullet Down the Line, Fletcher Gets Upset
After 1B Umpire Chris Segal ruled Giants batter Matt Duffy's liner foul down the first base line, skipper Bruce Bochy requested and received a crew chief review, setting off a chain of "review this, not that" machinations back at MLB Advanced Media headquarters in New York. To set the scene, Duffy, in pursuit of a cycle, ripped a line drive at Rockies first baseman Wilin Rosario, whose glove may or may not have made contact with the baseball before it fell to the ground near the foul line just past Segal's position.
But before we get to Duffy, we turn to Andy Fletcher and Jon Lester in Chicago. After walking Dodgers batter AJ Ellis on an inside pitch, Lester drew the ire of plate umpire Andy Fletcher, who marched out to the mound as Cubs catcher David Ross stepped in front of Fletcher until skipper Joe Maddon picked up the issue. After a brief argument, zero ejections, and a total delay of about 75 seconds, play resumed with none out and one on in the top of the second. Los Angeles ultimately won the contest, shutting out the Cubbies 4-0.
Video: Fletcher marches at Lester after a reaction on the heels of an AJ Ellis walk (CHC)
Back to Replay....MLB's strictly regulated Replay Review system specifies exactly which plays or calls are and are not reviewable via video instant replay. Replay Review regulation V. outlines the only calls eligible for Replay Review and, relative to the play at hand, include "Calls involving a decision regarding whether a batted ball was 'A FOUL BALL,' within the meaning of the Official Baseball Rule's Definition of Terms (formerly Rule 2.00) but only with respect to balls that first land at or beyond the set positions of the first or third base Umpire." Regulation V.C. goes on to address the specific case of an infielder (in our play, F3 Rosario) who attempts to field a line drive: "Line drives fielded by a defensive player in the infield and balls that first land in front of the set positions of the first or third base Umpire shall not be subject to review."
Let's walk through the play, which has been color-coded to indicate which aspects of the play are and are not reviewable (green = reviewable / red = not reviewable):
B1 Duffy hits a line drive down the first base line as F3 Rosario attempts to field it (and may or may not have touched it in fair or foul territory), which subsequently lands on the dirt behind U1 Segal's position and in either fair or foul territory.
This likewise answers the Rockies' broadcasters question as to why crew chief Greg Gibson, acting in place of the injured Jim Joyce, convened the crew to discuss the play ("Moreover, prior to the initiation of a Replay Review, the Umpires may confer among themselves at any time and change any call (whether or not the call is reviewable) in accordance with Official Baseball Rule 8.02 (formerly Rule 9.02)" [Reg. II.A]).
Replays indicate the ball landed in foul territory beyond Segal's position, the reviewable aspect of this play was officiated properly. Replays are inconclusive as to whether F3 Rosario touched the baseball.
Video: Duffy's cycle bid comes up short as line drive down the first base line lands foul (COL)
But before we get to Duffy, we turn to Andy Fletcher and Jon Lester in Chicago. After walking Dodgers batter AJ Ellis on an inside pitch, Lester drew the ire of plate umpire Andy Fletcher, who marched out to the mound as Cubs catcher David Ross stepped in front of Fletcher until skipper Joe Maddon picked up the issue. After a brief argument, zero ejections, and a total delay of about 75 seconds, play resumed with none out and one on in the top of the second. Los Angeles ultimately won the contest, shutting out the Cubbies 4-0.
Video: Fletcher marches at Lester after a reaction on the heels of an AJ Ellis walk (CHC)
Back to Replay....MLB's strictly regulated Replay Review system specifies exactly which plays or calls are and are not reviewable via video instant replay. Replay Review regulation V. outlines the only calls eligible for Replay Review and, relative to the play at hand, include "Calls involving a decision regarding whether a batted ball was 'A FOUL BALL,' within the meaning of the Official Baseball Rule's Definition of Terms (formerly Rule 2.00) but only with respect to balls that first land at or beyond the set positions of the first or third base Umpire." Regulation V.C. goes on to address the specific case of an infielder (in our play, F3 Rosario) who attempts to field a line drive: "Line drives fielded by a defensive player in the infield and balls that first land in front of the set positions of the first or third base Umpire shall not be subject to review."
Let's walk through the play, which has been color-coded to indicate which aspects of the play are and are not reviewable (green = reviewable / red = not reviewable):
B1 Duffy hits a line drive down the first base line as F3 Rosario attempts to field it (and may or may not have touched it in fair or foul territory), which subsequently lands on the dirt behind U1 Segal's position and in either fair or foul territory.
This likewise answers the Rockies' broadcasters question as to why crew chief Greg Gibson, acting in place of the injured Jim Joyce, convened the crew to discuss the play ("Moreover, prior to the initiation of a Replay Review, the Umpires may confer among themselves at any time and change any call (whether or not the call is reviewable) in accordance with Official Baseball Rule 8.02 (formerly Rule 9.02)" [Reg. II.A]).
Replays indicate the ball landed in foul territory beyond Segal's position, the reviewable aspect of this play was officiated properly. Replays are inconclusive as to whether F3 Rosario touched the baseball.
Video: Duffy's cycle bid comes up short as line drive down the first base line lands foul (COL)
Andy Fletcher
Ask the UEFL
Chris Segal
Instant Replay
Rules Review
Umpire Odds/Ends
MLB Replay Reviews, Week 12 (June 22 - June 28, 2015)
MLB umpires experienced 58 instant replay reviews during the week of June 22 - June 28, 2015 (+1 over prior week). Games played during this period featured the following MLB Replay Review decisions:
Instant Replay
Umpire Odds/Ends
Sunday, June 28, 2015
MLB Ejection 111: Ron Kulpa (1; Terry Francona)
HP Umpire Ron Kulpa ejected Indians Manager Terry Francona for arguing a strike three call in the top of the 9th inning of the Indians-Orioles game. With one out and two on, Indians batter Ryan Raburn took a 2-2 fastball from Orioles pitcher TJ McFarland for a called third strike. Replays indicate the pitch was located over the inner half of home plate and knee high (px -.506, pz 1.544 [sz_bot 1.520]), the call was correct. At the time of the ejection, the Orioles were leading, 8-0. The Orioles ultimately won the contest, 8-0.
This is Ron Kulpa (46)'s first ejection of 2015.
Ron Kulpa now has 5 points in the UEFL Standings (1 Previous + 2 MLB + 2 Correct = 5).
Crew Chief Ron Kulpa now has -6 points in Crew Division (-7 Previous + 1 Correct Call = -6).
This is the 111th ejection of the 2015 MLB Regular Season.
This is the 51st Manager ejection of 2015.
This is the Indians' 4th ejection of 2015, 3rd in the AL Central (KC 9; CWS 5; CLE 4; DET, MIN 2).
This is Terry Francona's 2nd ejection of 2015, 1st since May 13 (Mike Everitt; QOC = U [Warnings]).
This is Ron Kulpa's first ejection since August 2, 2014 (Randall Delgado; QOC = U [Throwing At]).
Wrap: Cleveland Indians vs. Baltimore Orioles (Doubleheader Game 2), 6/28/15
Video: His Indians shutout 12-0 during the day-night double, Francona lets loose during Inning 18 (CLE)
This is Ron Kulpa (46)'s first ejection of 2015.
Ron Kulpa now has 5 points in the UEFL Standings (1 Previous + 2 MLB + 2 Correct = 5).
Crew Chief Ron Kulpa now has -6 points in Crew Division (-7 Previous + 1 Correct Call = -6).
This is the 111th ejection of the 2015 MLB Regular Season.
This is the 51st Manager ejection of 2015.
This is the Indians' 4th ejection of 2015, 3rd in the AL Central (KC 9; CWS 5; CLE 4; DET, MIN 2).
This is Terry Francona's 2nd ejection of 2015, 1st since May 13 (Mike Everitt; QOC = U [Warnings]).
This is Ron Kulpa's first ejection since August 2, 2014 (Randall Delgado; QOC = U [Throwing At]).
Wrap: Cleveland Indians vs. Baltimore Orioles (Doubleheader Game 2), 6/28/15
Video: His Indians shutout 12-0 during the day-night double, Francona lets loose during Inning 18 (CLE)
Miller Rule
Ron Kulpa
Terry Francona
MLB Ejection 110: Tripp Gibson (4; Mike Napoli)
HP Umpire Tripp Gibson ejected Red Sox 1B Mike Napoli for arguing a strike three call in the top of the 2nd inning of the Red Sox-Rays game. With one out and none on, Napoli took a 3-2 slider from Rays pitcher Chris Archer for a called third strike. Replays indicate the pitch was located over the outer edge of home plate and thigh high (px 0.857, pz 1.799 [sz_bot 1.450]), the call was correct. At the time of the ejection, the Red Sox were leading, 1-0. The Red Sox ultimately won the contest, 5-3.
This is Tripp Gibson (73)'s fourth ejection of 2015.
Tripp Gibson now has 17 points in the UEFL Standings (13 Previous + 2 MLB + 2 Correct = 17).
Crew Chief Brian Gorman now has 19 points in Crew Division (18 Previous + 1 Correct Call = 19).
This is the 110th ejection of the 2015 MLB Regular Season.
This is the 51st player ejection of 2015. Prior to ejection, Napoli was 0-1 (SO) in the contest.
This is the Red Sox' 7th ejection of 2015, 1st in the AL East (BOS 7; BAL, NYY, TOR 4; TB 3).
This is Mike Napoli's 2nd ejection of 2015, 1st since May 29 (Todd Tichenor; QOC = Y [Balls/Strikes]).
This is Tripp Gibson's first ejection since May 19, 2015 (Brad Ausmus; QOC = Y [Balls/Strikes]).
Wrap: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays, 6/28/15
Video: Napoli drops the bat and yells at Gibson after striking out, exploding after he is tossed (BOS)
This is Tripp Gibson (73)'s fourth ejection of 2015.
Tripp Gibson now has 17 points in the UEFL Standings (13 Previous + 2 MLB + 2 Correct = 17).
Crew Chief Brian Gorman now has 19 points in Crew Division (18 Previous + 1 Correct Call = 19).
This is the 110th ejection of the 2015 MLB Regular Season.
This is the 51st player ejection of 2015. Prior to ejection, Napoli was 0-1 (SO) in the contest.
This is the Red Sox' 7th ejection of 2015, 1st in the AL East (BOS 7; BAL, NYY, TOR 4; TB 3).
This is Mike Napoli's 2nd ejection of 2015, 1st since May 29 (Todd Tichenor; QOC = Y [Balls/Strikes]).
This is Tripp Gibson's first ejection since May 19, 2015 (Brad Ausmus; QOC = Y [Balls/Strikes]).
Wrap: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays, 6/28/15
Video: Napoli drops the bat and yells at Gibson after striking out, exploding after he is tossed (BOS)
Mike Napoli
Tripp Gibson
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