This is Jim Joyce (66)'s fourth ejection of 2011.
Jim Joyce now has 8 points in the Umpire Ejection Fantasy League (12 Previous + 2 MLB + 2 Correct Call = 16).
Jim Joyce is owned as a Secondary Umpire by yawetag, who is now in 1st place in the UEFL with 21 points.
This is the 48th ejection of 2011.
This is the 26th manager ejection of 2011.
This is Tony La Russa's first ejection of 2011.
This is the Cardinals' first ejection of 2011.
Wrap: Cardinals at Padres Wrap 5/23/11
Video: La Russa is ejected arguing balls and strikes
Pitch f/x courtesy Brooks Baseball
Looks like the Padres are on their way to another loss tonight...
And look at Jim Joyce leading the umpires thus far with 4 ejections!
LMAO! The game isn't even over yet and this post says the Cardinals won 3-1. EVEN THIS SITE KNOWS THAT THE PADRES STINK!
Either that or they're psychics!
Joyce did a hell of a job tonight.
Never thought I'd see a time where Jim Joyce has four ejections, and Bob Davidson only has one. But in fairness, three of Joyce's ejections came in that one game where the Astros and Marlins were throwing at each other.
Joyce usually has the patience of a saint, so it will be interesting to see what LaRussa said or did to get the gate tonight.
Wow there sure was some movement on that pitch. Great pitch. Obviously a strike.
Pitch was way too close to take regardless but Joyce definitely got it right.
Joyce is patient but I saw him lose his cool a few weeks ago with the Nationals bench against the Braves. He must've been getting quite a bit a grief because, until then, I'd never seen Joyce take the mask off and address a team's bench.
As a Cardinals fan, I hate to see the call being correct.
But screw that! I'm in first place!
I know that Pujols is supposedly struggling, or at least finally looking mortal, but how does he argue that pitch? He's far too good a hitter to not see that as a strike.
And while LaRussa has to come protect his star, does he really have to get himself tossed? Surely he didn't actually think that was a ball?
Found this on
"It's not even worth talking about," La Russa said. "I just went out there to save Albert. We need him in the game. I ran out there. I said to him, 'Hey, you're better than that.' I've known Jim a long time. He said, 'You're out of here; you can't say anything.' I said, 'That's pretty tame.' He's the umpire. If I was the umpire, I probably would have ejected me, too."
Anyone see the play tonight in the top of the 5th inning during the Braves/Pirates game? I think it deserves its own post.
With a runner on first, Chipper Jones hit a long fly ball to right center. The ball fell in play but was interfered with on the way to the ground by a fan trying to catch it. The umpires went to the replays to determine whether or not the runner from first would come home on the play. However, based on the MLB rules in place, how was this allowed? MLB says that replays are only for homerun boundary calls. Since this clearly wasn't a homerun call, how was replay allowed? Does this mean that on a ground ball down the first base line that goes into foul territory then is touched by a fan can be replayed?
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