Thursday, January 12, 2017

Minor League Umpires Receive New 5-Year CBA

Minor League Baseball Umpire Development reached agreement with the Association of Minor League Umpires on a five-year collective bargaining agreement that will ensure continuous labor peace through the 2021 MiLB season.

Notable elements of the 2016-21 MiLBUD-AMLU CBA include:

Salary and Wages: Umpires across all levels of Minor League Baseball will receive nominal wage increases. Rookie and Short-A will start at $2,000-per-month (previously $1,900) and increase to $2,300 for a fourth-year umpire. Full/Advanced-A will start at $2,100 (from $2,000) with $2,600 at the seventh season. Double-A starts at $2,500 (from $2,300) to $3,100 at the ninth season, and Triple-A starts at $2,900 (from $2,600) to $3,900 at the 14th season.

Per Diems: League-wide per diems will increase by two dollars annually. In 2017, these figures are: $44.50 for Single-A, $50 for Double-A, and $58 for Triple-A. At the CBA's conclusion in 2021, the Single-A per diem will be $52.50, $58 at Double-A, and $66 at Triple-A.

> Family Leave: Umpires will receive five paid days of family leave for the birth of a child, and may receive additional time off at the discretion of management.

> Mandatory Day Off: Umpires are capped at working no more than 30 consecutive days.

> Hotels: Requires that hotel facilities feature interior room entrances as opposed to exterior room entry, such as entrance directly into the motel room from the parking lot or exterior staircase/breezeway.

> Uniforms: In lieu of being provided uniforms, Single-A and higher Umpires will be given a uniform and equipment allowance, which marks a new benefit wherein umpires will be given cash credit from the League that may be used to purchase equipment items such as chest protectors, shin and throat guards, marks, shoes, etc., that previously were not covered through credits.

> Concussion Management: Stadiums throughout MiLB must supply a refrigerator or freezer to chill medical items, such as ice packs and specialized headgear, such that the item will be cold if and when an umpire requires use of the concussion pack.

> Evaluation Advancement: Forthcoming technological changes to MiLB's method of evaluating ALMU's umpires will now be subject to disclosure and discussion before the Association.

The most recent labor stoppage in Minor League Baseball occurred in 2006 when umpires went on strike after the two sides failed to reach a satisfactory agreement.


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