HP Umpire Angel Campos ejected A's Manager Bob Geren for arguing a ball two call in the top of the 6th inning of the Orioles-A's game. With none out and none on, Orioles batter Matt Wieters hit a 3-1 fastball from A's pitcher Gio Gonzalez to left fielder Josh Willingham for a single. Geren was ejected by Campos on the subsequent pitching change immediately following the single by Wieters. Replays indicate the 1-0 pitch was located belt high and over the inner edge of home plate, the call was incorrect.* At the time of the ejection, the contest was tied, 2-2. The A's ultimately won the contest, 6-2.
This is Angel Campos (84)'s third ejection of 2011.
Angel Campos now has -6 points in the Umpire Ejection Fantasy League (-4 Previous + 3 AAA + -1 Penalty + -4 Incorrect Call = -6).
*A Balls/Strikes exemption has been applied under Rule 6.e.iv.b.
Angel Campos was
undrafted in 2011.
This is the 53rd ejection of 2011.
This is the 29th manager ejection of 2011.
Orioles at A's 5/27/11 Wrap
Geren is ejected by Umpire Campos
Pitch f/x courtesy Brooks Baseball
Campos strikes again ladies and gentlemen!
It appears that Campos just isn't big league material... 30 missed pitches according to http://www.brooksbaseball.net/pfxVB/zoneTrack.php?month=5&day=27&year=2011&game=gid_2011_05_27_anamlb_minmlb_1%2F&prevDate=527
Just a brutal performance.. and more important very inconsistant and all over.
Not big league material at all.
@tmac, what are you talking about inconsistancy...He's consistantly wrong all the time:)
If Campos wants to be a respectable MLB umpire,he needs to settle down.
I know it worked for Johnson and Tichnor to eject a bazillion people(Guccione too to some extent) but two of those three are now solid umpires-the jury is still out on Johnson,IMO
Angel can't catch a break, can he.... borderline pitch he calls a ball and Geren's all over him... then again, if he really did miss so many pitches this game, Geren may have had a good beef...
I wasn't a fan of Johnson..and sometimes I still am not but the guy takes charge in his games and his calls and shows no fear. Some new hires still seem timid.
No AAA fill-in umpire should ever be allowed to work home plate in an MLB game. Simple as that. If a regular MLB umpire has to work the plate twice in a series, too bad. I wouldn't want to entrust someone who rarely, if ever, has been in the crucible of a pressure game at the highest level calling balls and strikes.
Rarely, if ever? Some of these guys have worked hundreds of ML games. It's a good place for MLB to evaluate how well they do the job at the highest level before promoting them, too.
Well that was a damn boring video . . .
Hey David, if they're never allowed a plate as callups, then how do they learn to handle the plate when they get hired? Call up status is for evaluation, sure, but it's also for learning.
Hey, did someone just say that Todd Tichenor is better than Adrian Johnson . . . ?
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