This is Sam Holbrook (34)'s second ejection of 2011.
Sam Holbrook now has 8 points in the Umpire Ejection Fantasy League (4 Previous + 2 MLB + 2 Correct Call = 8).
Sam Holbrook is owned as a Secondary Umpire by HIGHSCHOOLUMP, who is now tied for 15th place in the UEFL with 10 points.
This is the 127th ejection of 2011.
This is Ron Wotus' first ejection of 2011.
This is Sam Holbrook's first ejection with Joe West's crew.
Wrap: Brewers at Giants Wrap 7/23/11
Video: Holbrook Ejects Wotus
Pitch f/x courtesy Brooks Baseball
Great audio feed....sam handled it of favorites from umpire school
I know this probably isn't the place to put this, but its obviously a place a lot of people are going to be looking,
the other day this happened in the mets game, The first base coach was out of his box and confused the center fielder. If the manager went out and argued, what would the outcome have been?
manager would not come out on this, if he did he wanted to get run. For the base coach to be outside the box is ok. In the MLB rule book the opposing coach can ask the umpire to make the coach stay in the box, it's probably never done cause neither want it. In fact the base coach must vacate the area in some circumstances. He cannot just plant in the coaching box like it's his land.
(a) The offensive team shall station two base coaches on the field during its term at bat, one near first base and one near third base.
(b) Base coaches shall be limited to two in number and shall (1) be in team uniform, and (2) remain within the coachs box at all times.
PENALTY: The offending base coach shall be removed from the game, and shall leave the playing field.
Rule 4.05 Comment: It has been common practice for many years for some coaches to put one foot outside the coachs box or stand astride or otherwise be slightly outside the coaching box lines. The coach shall not be considered out of the box unless the opposing manager complains, and then, the umpire shall strictly enforce the rule and require all coaches (on both teams) to remain in the coachs box at all times.
It is also common practice for a coach who has a play at his base to leave the coachs box to signal the player to slide, advance or return to a base. This may be allowed if the coach does not interfere with the play in any manner.
third base coach is the only coach allowed to leave the box, and can only do so when there is a play at third.In this situation, the first base coach had no reason to be that far out of the box (and actually on the base). Because he directly affected the play, the outcome could be that coach getting run, if the Manager on the other team complained
"...but from the Giant's dugout, it looks like a strike."
Doh! That's precisely why umpires don't stand in the dugouts to call balls & strikes.
Kudos to the Giants announcers for actually crediting the umpire with a good call. Wotus will be fined or suspended because coaches aren't allowed out of the dugout to argue.
So the Umpire has the power to eject the coach, but has that actually happened?
For the base coach to be outside the box is ok. In the MLB rule book the opposing coach can ask the umpire to make the coach stay in the box, it's probably never done cause neither want it.
"The coach shall not be considered out of the box unless the opposing manager complains, and then, the umpire shall strictly enforce the rule and require all coaches (on both teams) to remain in the coach’s box at all times."
And then from way out in left field....
third base coach is the only coach allowed to leave the box, and can only do so when there is a play at third.In this situation, the first base coach had no reason to be that far out of the box (and actually on the base). Because he directly affected the play, the outcome could be that coach getting run, if the Manager on the other team complained
PENALTY: The offending base coach shall be removed from the game, and shall leave the playing field.
It appears the coach can be ejected from the game if the manager complains, i was Just wondering if this has ever happened, and if, since the coach being out of the box changed the play, he could be called for interference as well.
I have a rules question:
With a runner on 3rd and 1 out, the batter hits the ball up the 3rd base line, it bounces in foul territory and hits the runner while the runner is in the air. The runner's feet were in foul territory, but the ball hit the runner while jumping in the air over fair territory. Is the ball foul or is the runner out? This occurred in the USA-Japan game in the World Cup of Softball tonight.
if the ball is in fair territory when it hits the player it is fair
Fair ball, player is out
Quick question to all about the video.
At :43, as Bochy is coming out of the dugout, you can here him call "Joe!" and then say something else I can't make out, but by the time they got to Holbrook and Wotus, Bochy and West are walking parallel.
So was that more likely Bochy saying "I'm not coming out to argue", or something like "Sam's going to need some help", or something I haven't thought of?
I think it's more "Joe, I'm going to make some points and want both of you to hear it."
Ron Wotus has been suspended by Major League Baseball for one game.
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