This is Kerwin Danley (44)'s first ejection of 2011.
Kerwin Danley now has -2 points in the Umpire Ejection Fantasy League (0 Previous + 2 MLB + -4 Correct Call = -2)
Kerwin Danley is owned as a Secondary Umpire by jdbr78, who is now in 33rd place in the UEFL with 1 point.
*Pitch #6 is correct under the "Kulpa Rule" of pitch f/x. Pitch #6 carried a px value of 0.946, which is within the 'borderline range'--0.901 to 1.000--thus considered correctly ruled; pitch #1, however is not as the result of a Challenge.
**Quality of Correctness was challenged and overturned ("Correct" ==> "Incorrect").
This is the 106th ejection of 2011.
This is the 47th player ejection of 2011.
Prior to his ejection, Buck was 0-2 in the contest.
Wrap: Phillies at Marlins Independence Day 2011
Video: Danley Runs Buck
Pitch f/x courtesy Brooks Baseball
It looked like Kermie said "You caused that." at 0:54. Looked inside to me.
unless this call is changed I don't see where I have 7 if this was 4. I had 4 from Barksdale previous.
Danley was excellent today...
Did not give the low pitch to either side and seperated the edges well. Very consistant.
jb, it is 7 points if this call is found to be correct. You receive three additional points for a Secondary Umpire's correct call (1 Secondary MLB + 2 Correct Call = 3 Points), UEFL Rule 4.a:
3 points for each ejection by a Primary AAA
2 points for each ejection by a Primary MLB
1 point for each ejection by a Secondary MLB
2 points for each ejection as the result of an ejectee's correct call
1 point for each ejection as the result of a crewmate's correct call
-2 points for each ejection as the result of a crewmate's incorrect call
-4 points for each ejection as the result of an ejectee's incorrect call
- 1 point Penalty for each AAA Umpire's ejection as the result of an incorrect call
Total Points Rendered (1 + 2 = 3); that's why they're Secondary Umpires: their points contributions are secondary to the Primary Umpire's actions.
When major league catchers set up and want a pitch on the outside corner and then have to reach back to handle the pitch on the inside, very few umpires reward the defense with a called strike. In their reviews, umpires are not critiqued for calling this pitch a ball even if it catches some of the plate.
I cannot seem to get the video to load...
Alright, video is now loading...
I don't understand, unless an actual replay of pitch 1 is provided, why this ejection is not ruled "incorrect."
I do understand Howard is 6'6" or so, and his knee may be a couple inches higher than "normal," but usually pitch f/x is given the advantage.
As for Danley, Kerwin is one of my favorite umpires. I don't really know why, but he just seems to be so cool...and I know that sounds childish, but he just seems to be enjoying what he does.
Challenge. Pitch #1 was called a ball, and was a strike according to the Brooks Pitch F/X. Since there is no replay of the pitch, Pitch F/X is the only way that we have to truly gauge the pitch.
Cricket, we provide video that we can link you to. I saw the pitch once on TV, it looked to be below the hollow of the knees. The pitch graph on the television replay plotted the pitch below the bottom of the strike zone. You are definitely free to challenge, but I thought I would let you know that we do our best to provide any replay we can can see, unfortunately we don't always have it available.
Thanks for the contributions to the website.
I absolutely appreciate the efforts. I was just making a general statement since I don't have access to a video/there's not one available on MLB, not being critical.
This ruling has been challenged.
After review, the Quality of Correctness has been overturned. The call is now incorrect.
After review, including examination of the real-time play, replays, and alternate angles, the decision of overturning the original Quality of Correctness was made. Replays and pitch f/x analysis indicates the first called ball carried a normalized pz value of 1.569. Traditionally, as in the Horizontal Kulpa Rule of pitch f/x, the borderline margin is approximately 0.500 to either side of the zone's bound. This is manifested horizontally by a borderline zone of 0.900 - 1.000, with the exact boundary point defined as 0.953. Accordingly, this is manifested vertically by a borderline range of 1.450 - 1.550, with the exact boundary point defined as 1.500 (lower bound; the upper bound of 3.500 corresponds to a [3.450, 3.550] range).
Kewin Danley is a good ump and he's also sexy as hell. FYI.... I'm a woman.
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