HP Umpire Scott Barry ejected Rays Manager Joe Maddon for arguing a foul ball call made by 1B Umpire Tim Welke in the top of the 6th inning of the Blue Jays-Rays game. With none out and none on, Blue Jays batter
Maicer Izturis hit a 1-0 cutter from Rays pitcher Jamey Wright onto the infield where it was fielded by first baseman James Loney, but ruled a foul ball by 1B Umpire Welke for having contacted Izturis' leg or foot at home plate, while Izturis was in a legal batting position within the batter's box pursuant to Rule 6.03, before striking the ground. Replays indicate the batted ball did not make contact with Izturis' person whatsoever, the call was incorrect. At the time of the ejection, the Rays were leading, 6-2. The Rays ultimately won the contest, 10-4.
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Maddon ejected two days in a row. |
This is Scott Barry (87)'s first ejection of 2013.
Scott Barry now has 0 points in the UEFL (0 Previous + 2 MLB + -2 Incorrect Call [Crewmate] = 0).
Crew Chief Tim Welke now has 0 points in the UEFL's Crew Division (0 Previous + 0 Incorrect Call = 0).
This is the 31st ejection of 2013.
This is the 14th Manager ejection of 2013.
This is the Rays' 4th ejection of 2013, T-1st in the AL East (TB, TOR 4; BAL, BOS, NYY 0).
This is Joe Maddon's first ejection since yesterday, May 7 (Marty Foster; QOC = N).
This is Scott Barry's first ejection since August 22, 2012 (Ned Yost; QOC = Y).
I thought Welke called it foul down at first. Or was he just reacting to a call Barry made?
Video link
I think you're right. Listening to what Maddon was saying, he wanted Barry to overrule Welke's call. Can the assignment of the calling umpire be challenged?
I challenge. It should be incorrect call (Crewmate). It's clear on one of the last replays TB's feed shows, and one of the first replays that Toronto's feed shows that Barry never makes a call and the runner stops to head back to the plate when Welke signals foul.
Upon review of the video replay, it is readily apparent U1 Welke made the foul ball call; accordingly, Barry is now listed as the secondary and Welke the calling, points reset to 0 + 2 MLB + -2 Incorrect Call [Crewmate] = 0.
How do you guys handle it when you know your partner screwed up, but you still have to defend his call? This is one of the worst situations to be stuck in.
Once a ball is called foul, nothing can be changed, unless itis a home run. Once a dead ball, always a dead ball.
Anyone know the last time someone was ejected in back to back games (I don't)?
Well yeah, I realize you can't undo a dead ball call. I'm not in any way commenting on that. But what I am commenting on is getting asked about or yelled at for a partner's call that you know they screwed up. It happens to everyone, it's just a sucky situation to be in.
John Gibbons, the manager of the Blue Jays, was ejected in back-to-back games earlier this season
Absolutely! Worst position to be in; but there's an extent to which I'd like to see Barry credited with the EJ and for it to be called Correct--here's my point; he took crap from Maddon for no reason. Maddon, as an MLB manager, can't possible think a foul call can be overruled to a fair call--can he? So Barry can't do anything here but "swallow the whistle". He took an earful; then he told Maddon to be done. Maddon continued, Barry tossed him--Kudos to Barry!
Welke....Tim; see what you call and call what you see. When are you the primary to call a batted ball hitting a batter in the box from beyond 1B? Come on.....you've got three other umps out there to see things. Kinda like the Back Judge calling holding on the O-line, isn't it?
We don't judge correctness based on whether the offender should have been ejected. The (obvious) fact of the matter is that the call being argued was incorrect.
Scott Barry is a great umpire, which is why his demeanor (rolling eyes, and putting his hands on his hips to mock Ryan Howard years ago) often bothers me. It's disconcerting, because he is a great umpire. I hate to say it, but I would like to see these young guys handle themselves more professionally (so to speak) like Todd Tichenor!
Of the 31 EJs so far how many was the umpire actually correct? Kinda pointless to draft umpires that like to eject when usually the call is wrong on EJs.
I'm actually curious about this myself. The HP umpire can't see this sort of call a lot of the time because he's screened by the catcher and/or the batter. I know in a 2-man crew the field umpire is watching this. In a 4-man crew, who in the field is responsible for this call?
Of 31 ejections this season...
11 Correct
8 Incorrect
12 Irrecusable
Or 11/19 = 58% accuracy rate.
Does the UEFL have any record of a manager getting ejected THREE nights in a row? I can imagine Cox....or Weaver....or a few dozen old school managers that could have managed that feat. Welke has the plate tonight, with David Price pitching -- maybe I will make some popcorn!
Cox and Weaver both experienced ejections over two consecutive games, as have many before and since, but three will be history if Maddon manages to accomplish the feat.
Been there many times. You let them know they are yelling at the wrong guy and if the continue they get the rest of the evening off. If they are dumb, the get the boot... Hence my user name!
My god was Lance Barksdale awful in the ninth inning tonight. I mean he was calling anything close a strike for most of the game, but there comes a point when you have to call a pitch a ball. Pedroia and Victorino very easily could have been tossed for arguing similar pitches on the inside corner. Lance is usually a pretty good ball strike umpire.
Isn't that what your catcher's for? "Oh sorry that 95-mile-an-hour fastball hit you straight in the facemask, Blue...I called for a looping curveball instead. By the time I figured out it wasn't going to loop, you were already sitting on your butt looking dazed."
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