Friday, May 5, 2023

MLB Ejection 042 - Paul Emmel (1; Brent Rooker)

HP Umpire Paul Emmel ejected Athletics DH Brent Rooker (check swing call; QOCN) in the top of the 9th inning of the #Athletics-#Royals game. With one out and one on, Rooker took a first-pitch fastball from Royals pitcher Carlos Hernandez for a called first ball before striking out on a check swing on a 2-2 knuckle curve, ruled a swinging strike by HP Umpire Emmel. Because the first pitch, ruled strike one, was located off the outer edge of home plate and thigh-high (px 0.97, pz 2.18), the call was incorrect.*

This is Paul Emmel (50)'s 1st ejection of 2023.
*UEFL Rule 6-2-b-1 (Kulpa Rule): |0| ≤ STRIKE < |.748| ≤ BORDERLINE ≤ |.914| < BALL.
This pitch was located 0.67 horizontal inches from being deemed correct.
The pitch location QOCN supercedes the check swing because the location call was incorrect.

This is the 42nd ejection report of the 2023 MLB regular season.
This is the 16th player ejection of 2023. Ejection Tally: 21 Managers, 16 Players, 5 Coaches.
This is Oakland's 2nd ejection of 2023, T-1st in the AL West (OAK, SEA 2; HOU, LAA, TEX 1).
This is Brent Rooker's first career MLB ejection.


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